HAZOP Certified Industrial Screeners

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HAZOP and HACCP are two acronyms that are commonly heard in food processing circles. What do they mean, and how should they impact your choice of an industrial screener? We’ve covered HACCP requirements in a separate post – here, we look at the role Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies should play when upgrading your screening equipment.

What Is HAZOP?

A HAZOP analysis is one of the FDA’s recommended risk-management tools for food and pharmaceutical manufacturers. It is based on the principle that safety hazards and other risk events occur when a system or piece of equipment starts to operate outside of its intended parameters.

A HAZOP analysis involves looking at specific parameters – temperature, flow, pressure, etc. – and using one of several guide words – NO or NOT, MORE or LESS, AS WELL AS, etc. – to determine acceptable limits. This provides a structured, systematic way of evaluating risk, as well as a common language for monitoring and talking about it.


HAZOP and Industrial Screeners

As a key part of the manufacturing process, an industrial screener will likely have specific HAZOP requirements it must meet to ensure safe products and sanitary working conditions. Your choice of a machine will play a key role in its ability to meet HAZOP requirements. Specific things that can help make a screener HAZOP compliant include:

Cleaning: Regular cleaning and decontaminating is likely to be an important component of HAZOP compliance for an industrial food screener. A machine that is easier to clean will simplify the compliance process and ensure risks are managed effectively. Look for a screener with accessible contact parts, resistance to chemical cleaning sprays, and a filter media that can be removed and replaced with a minimal amount of hassle.

Design and Footprint: The fewer gaps a screener has, and the smaller its overall footprint, the fewer opportunities there will be for bacteria to accumulate. A HAZOP screener should possess a gap-free design and a small footprint to reduce the risk of contamination. Many low-profile units offer the high throughputs necessary to meet your productivity goals while remaining compact enough to make cleanup and decontamination simple.


Contact Us Today

VibraScreener™ manufactures a number of industrial screeners suitable for use in food processing and other facilities where HAZOP compliance is a requirement. Our products are designed for use in clean rooms and other environments where the risk of contamination must be kept to a minimum. For more information, contact us today or talk to an expert and a specialist will assist you with the screening and separation process.